Saturday 16 June 2007

Gender Stereotypes in Game Studies


I've just been doing a literature review for my dissertation and came across a quotation that stopped me in my tracks,

"Murray's vision of holodeck-like video stories implies stories that would also appeal to our active social skills and social emotions, like establishing friendship, exerting care, feeling jealousy, falling in love, and so on. Such stories would be more attractive to women, and the success of the dollhouse game The Sims shows the market potentials for games that take some steps toward modelling the nonaggressive social world." (1)

I take it Torben won't be coming to the next Women in Games conference then.

(1) Grodal, Torben. "Stories for Eye, Ear, and Muscles", in Wolf, Mark J. P. & Perron, Bernard (eds.) The Video Game Theory Reader. (New York and London: Routledge, 2003), p. 151.

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